A matter of great stress and worry for separated parents is when children are not returned to them at a time expected after a visit with the other parent, or when a child is taken from their care by the other parent without any consent given whatsoever.
In these most urgent and serious cases, a legal remedy is available by applying to the Court for a Recovery Application.
A Recovery Application is asking the Court to Order that the Australian Federal Police (AFP) will (often with the assistance of the state police) locate and “recover” a child (or children) and return them to the parent who has successfully made the Application to the Court.
Naturally, time is of the essence in such situations – for the reduction of conflict between parents, stability for children, and to protect the children or either parent from any risk of harm (including physical, emotional or psychological harm).
At Sanicki Lawyers, our family law team are highly experienced in successfully bringing Recovery Applications – and successfully defending Recovery Applications in appropriate circumstances.
If you need to speak to a lawyer urgently regarding a Recovery Application, or any fear you may have that a parent (or other person) may take a child into your care without your consent, or refuse to return a child to your care when required – then do not hesitate to call Stephane Hope, Senior Associate and Head of Family Law at Sanicki Lawyers – for an urgent and confidential discussion.