Parties can often benefit from attending a mediation in order to settle their property dispute upon the end of a marriage or de facto relationship.
Having an appropriately qualified mediator, plus experienced solicitors and evidence organised and ready in the one room for a day – can certainly assist the parties to reach agreement as quickly and cost effectively as possible.
Such mediations can take place without Court proceedings having started, and will always take place as a compulsory step in the Court process once Court proceedings have been commenced regarding a family law property dispute.
Agreements reached at mediation (or a Conciliation Conference if the mediation is conducted by a Registrar of the Court as part of a compulsory legal process) can be formalised by way of Consent Orders, or otherwise by way of a Binding Financial Agreement (BFA) in appropriate circumstances. A legally binding Child Support Agreement may also be appropriate.
At Sanicki Lawyers, we are happy to assist our clients reach a negotiated settlement regarding property matters wherever possible – including by way of a formal mediation or Conciliation Conference where appropriate.
If you require assistance to negotiate and finalise a legally binding property settlement, including where appropriate, spousal maintenance and child support – the family law team at Sanicki Lawyers can help you.
Please note that time limits apply to bringing Court Applications if the parties cannot agree to their settlement, so don’t delay – obtain legal advice today regarding your property settlement.
Feel free to contact Stephanie Hope, Senior Associate and Head of Family Law at Sanicki Lawyers at .au or call on 03 95109888.