The Child Support Agency (CSA) in Australia has the responsibility to ensure that child support is paid for the benefit of children, and the Federal Circuit Court of Australia and Family Court of Australia also have the power to ensure that child support debts are paid.
Methods that can be employed by the Child Support Agency and the Courts include the issuing of a Departure Prohibition Order – which means that the passport held by the party owing the debt can be cancelled with the effect that the person cannot leave Australia or have a passport re-issued – until the debt is paid (or some settlement is reached by Agreement and confirmed with the Child Support Agency or Court).
Another effect that a Departure Prohibition Order can have is that a payer who owes a child support debt who is overseas, can have their passport cancelled once they return to Australia – thereby preventing the parent leaving Australia again until their debt is paid (or some settlement is reached by agreement and confirmed with the Child Support Agency or Court).
Departure Prohibition Orders are a very effective means of ensuring that child support arrears are paid. So if you are owed child support and would like to know if a Departure Prohibition Order can help you – or if you have been notified that a Departure Prohibition Order has been made against you – and you would like to resolve the debt issue and have your passport returned – Stephanie Hope, Senior Associate and Head of Family Law at Sanicki Lawyers – can assist you.
You can contact Stephanie at [email protected] .au or call on 03 9510 9888 if you would like to arrange a confidential advice session to discuss a Departure Prohibition Order.